Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Freedom without Men

Wow!!! If you really knew me, you would know that in the seventies and eighties one of my biggest joys was teaching classes to women: exercise classes, relaxation classes, exercise classes for pregnant women; and self-image classes to name a few. Even though, most of the EFT classes that I have been teaching have been primarily women, there is a big difference for me if a class is for women only. What happens is that women can communicate in a way that is much freer than if men are present.

In Mendocino, I have just about completed three of four classes in a series of I Love My Body with a focus on losing weight. It was so much fun for me to be able to say whatever came into my mind. I said things that I would have not allowed myself to say if men had been in the room. There was a freedom to speak the unspeakable that was available for all women in the room. If men would have been there I know that I would have censored my words. However, since it was all women, I found my censoring device was turned off. I felt totally alive, and one with spirit.

I imagine that I will be teaching many more classes that a just for women.

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