Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dealing with Stress

Stress is common in our lives today. Sometimes we get so busy with our lives, we lose touch with just how stressed we are. Loretta Sparks in her article Stress and Me and EFT, shares the Stress Level Rating Scale. The scale can be useful to identify and to be able to rate yourself before you get totally stressed out. By becoming aware that you are actually stressed, then you can used EFT to reduce your stress level. I am including the SLRS to show you how stress may be a part of your life and you may not know it.

In the second part of her article, she shows how you can use EFT when you become aware that you are stressed. So, one key is awareness, and another key is to use EFT to tap away away the stress.


Engaging in excessive or addictive behaviors such as alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex, spending, obsessive relationship or work; violence (verbal or physical).

Jumping to conclusion, not willing to listen, frequently disagreeing, threatening, sarcastic, glaring; feeling overwhelming loneliness, frustration, rage, resentment, and self-pity; saying always and never when hurt or angry.

Notice others not “taking care of business.” Heavy use of denial, anger, bargaining, silence, withdrawal, blame, criticism, excuses, intellectualizing, rationalizing, evading, minimizing, moralizing, pleading or apologizing.

Not being present to situation at hand; can’t hear what is being said to you because of your own “self-talk”’ zoning out, getting lost in daydreams, etc.; do not notice stress is building in you.

Barely getting everything done, need help, but don't ask for it, tell yourself to “try harder, plan your time better”; start to let go of self-care activities; having a hard time saying “no”; do not notice stress building.

Life’s demands and your energy (physically, mentally and spiritually) are mostly in sync.


Your physical, mental, and spiritual energy nicely in sync with life's demands.


Your physical, mental and spiritual energy exceeds life's demands.


Abundant physical, mental, and spiritual energy.


Total and complete sense of relaxation.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Cutting Edge of Emotional Healing

What would you think if I told you that there is a powerful way to alleviate even end, suffering? That there was an easily learnable way for people to lessen long-term chronic pain, even if it's been hanging around for decades? Does it sound too good to be true? Would you believe me if I told you that you can even learn how to do it for free? Well, it's true. I invite you to check it out for yourself. There really is a host of excellent material that can be downloaded for free, as well as an extensive series of articles that tell people in great detail how to use this process. These articles are also available for no charge except the time to read and apply them.

What I am speaking of is Emotional Freedom Techniques, known as EFT. Gary Craig is the person who has made EFT popular. He was trained as an engineer at Stanford, and is also a minister. He has been interested in alternative healing methods for most of his life. Gary discovered these techniques and has made it his life's work, after retiring, to let the whole world know about EFT. He has done an excellent job of getting the word out. His international newsletter, EFT Insights Newsletter, is published twice a week and is sent to 300,000 subscribers all over the world.

So, what is EFT? Well, it is much harder for me to describe than it is for me to show you. Perhaps that's because I am a kinesthetic kind of person. Are you familiar with acupuncture - the ancient Chinese medical practice of gently inserting fine needles into the energy meridians of the body? The needles are used to break up energy blockages, which are thought to cause physical as well as emotional dis-ease. EFT is a form of acupressure, and also uses touch on the meridians. In the case of EFT you tap with your fingertips on the meridians. So, in some ways, it really isn't so new. Acupuncture has been practiced in China for thousands of years. However, EFT is different than acupressure in that emotions are part of the equation. While a person taps on specific points, which are easy to learn, they say words that are accepting of the emotions that they, on some level, may have been avoiding. They work on moving the energy that has been stuck in their body's energy system.

Gary Craig suggests trying EFT on everything. So, thousands of people all over the world are doing just that--trying it on everything. I have experienced amazing success using EFT with migraine headaches, prostate pain, chronic pain, stress, poison oak, and the pain from a hornet sting, to name just a few. EFT is especially good with post traumatic syndrome. There are health care workers who travel to places that have been devastated by tsunamis, hurricanes, and war, and who have used EFT to help countless people.

Besides working on pain and other issues that no longer serve us, EFT can also help us get what we do want. I used to write a newspaper column about using affirmations called Minders. I wish that I had known about EFT back in those days. I would have used it for those times when affirmations weren't enough, when the stories and conditioning that we have been lost in get in the way of creating what we want. That's right, you can tap away those old, limiting beliefs that keep you from creating what you want in life, whether it's to perform better get a better job or create the relationship of your dreams.

EFT can be used with the Law of Attaction to focus on what you want instead of what you don't want. When negative beliefs or feelings get in the way of you achieving what you want, you can tap them away with EFT.

So, if EFT is so great why isn't it more well known? That is a reason that I am writing this article--to help make it better known. It is easy to learn. It is portable. You can learn how to do it now.