Friday, October 20, 2006

I am Unplugging from my Food Cravings

Catherine Behan’s class on Wednesday was great!

Some of issues that have surfaced for me since her class have been
(and I tapped on all of these issues and others, too):

• Food=Love
• Rich homemade desserts=mother love (my mother showed her love that way--daily)
• Candies=grandma's love (she had an open bowl--we could take as much as we wanted)
• Chocolate=daddy's love (I was Daddy's good little girl--I felt like he loved me the most and that I deserved all of his love)

Something else that has come up has to do with being full:

• Fullness=contentment
• Food=the big tit that I never got and could never get enough of
• My mom fed me on a schedule and so when I would eat it would be like I was starving to death and I would eat as quickly and as much as I could

I have been positively tapping on:

• Love is more than food
• Love is here right now even if I am hungry
• I am OK even if I am not stuffed full of food
• There are many other ways to feel love and experience pleasure besides food

My appetite is much lighter than usual. I am also working on eating more consciously and more slowly. I feel that my chocolate addiction has been reduced incredibly. I have a piece of one of my favorite chocolate candy bars that I have shared with my husband (in the past I usually would hide it for myself and pig out on it, until it is all gone). I still have a piece of that candy bar that I haven’t eaten (that is hard to believe)!

I am flying to San Diego to be with my family tomorrow. My family has centered around delicious food. It will be interesting to see the triggers that will be coming up while I am there.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Exercise and Community Service?

Even in these days of multi-tasking, it may seem strange to put exercise and community together in the same sentence. How we accomplish that is when my husband, Steve, and I take walks together. We are able to get out in nature; see beauty; get in touch with our muse; burn up some calories; have walking meditations; have delightful and insightful conversations; and clean-up the public road.

Now, Steve has been doing this for years. I have admired the way he consistently picks up trash—rain or shine. He always puts a plastic bag in his pocket before he starts his walk in preparation for his personally assigned civil mission. Neighbors recognize him year round picking up rubbish by the side of the road.

Besides getting a cardiovascular workout from the walking, we have to bend down to pick up the litter. The stooping and bending helps to maintain balance. Not only that, it keeps the roadside looking clean. It gives both Steve and I a sense of helping keep our environment unblemished. In essence, this exercise in litter removal is a form of worship.

Is there a way that you can get exercise and help your community or environment?

One of our favorite views on our walk. When the sun is just right, you can see it refecting off the ocean.

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Walking along the county road.

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Trash we picked up on one walk!

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Power of Intention

Intention is paramount in healing. This is where miracles happen, or appear to come about.

Several months ago, I worked with a couple in my neighborhood, who were going to have a baby. It was there first, and they were both scared. Anyway, I helped them deal with their issues.

During the week before the birth, when their lives were extremely hectic, the father forgot where to tap, and it was his intention that helped him through the last week without having a meltdown. He could only remember one point, and so he tapped that one point with total conviction. It worked! To read more about their birth experience click here.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Only One Tiny Bite of Chocolate and That Was All

Last Wednesday, I took my first EFT tele-class called Unplug Food Cravings--
Turbo Charge The Journey To Your Ideal Weight by Catherine Behan. It was a free, introductory one-hour class. I liked it so much, that I decided to take Cat’s four one-hour tele-classes on dealing with food cravings for only $99. It starts, on Wednesday, October 18 from 5:30-6:30.

Now, if you knew me, you would know that I have struggled with being a chocoholic for as long as I can remember. I feel that in doing just one hour of EFT on my food cravings that I have got a start on getting in control of my extreme craving of chocolate. I will always love it, but it will no longer run me!

Below is what I wrote to Catherine, a couple of days after taking her class.

The chocolate bar that I had taken a tiny piece from during
your class on last Wednesday (and it was remarkable that
I could take about 1/8 of a teaspoon of it and put it in my
mouth and eat it--without eating any more!!!!)

Night before last, I shared as much as my husband wanted
of that same small candy bar. I had some, too. In fact, there
is still some left. Usually, I don't like to share my best
chocolate, and I have to eat it all. I am reframing that to
"it is easy for me to share what I love. There is more
available. I don't need to eat it all myself. And it is Ok
for me to eat it, too. However, I have control over my

Last night, I bought a piece of chocolate cheesecake
from a gourmet market on the coast. I shared it with
my husband, and there is still some left over. Yahoo!!!

Cat, until the call with you the other night, I didn't
really get that when I was eating half a box of See's
candies that I was bingeing.

Also, I had a huge release yesterday, crying about
missing my grandma (who has crossed over a couple
of decades ago). I don't think that I had allowed myself
to cry of the loss of her in my life and how much
she meant to me. BTW, she gave me lots of candy...

Monday, October 16, 2006

It's Now or Never

I have been talking about creating this blog for too long of a time. I have procrastinated long enough. This is the time. I am starting my Way Healthy Blog. Yipee!!!

What I plan on sharing in my blog are stories of how people have used energy to help heal their bodies, their minds, and to create their reality the way that they want. My main focus will be the use of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) that has been popularized by Gary Craig. I hope to share in a way that you will be able to use the information that I make available.

Another area that I will include the benefits of Young Living Essential Oils, and other Young Living products. I love their products and the way that they smell!