I would like to share one tip that I have learned from the following individuals (through audio interviews by Angela Treat Lyon. THEY are also transcribed--so, I listen to them and then read along while I take notes). Each interview is more or less than an hour.
- Lindsay KINNY is one of best EFT teachers around. I actually love assisting at her workshops. One point that she makes is not to take on clients if they are suicidal or if they are on 4-5 mood altering drugs. THEY OFTEN NEED MORE SPECIALIZED HELP--I'M A COACH, NOT A PSYCHOLOGIST.
- Carol Tuttle: She has made mucho dollars with EFT, and she started out doing FREE speaking engagements and created audios from those.
- Stacey Vornbrock: Tells her amazing story of how she switched from a therapeutic career to working with athletes (and she didn't know anything about athletics) and started out FREE until she felt confident about golfing and then started charging $100/hour.
- Angela Treat Lyon: She shares some of the major mistakes she made when she first started out doing EFT and what she would have done instead, RIGHT FROM THE START, AND HOW SHE WOULD market herself as an EFT practitioner--this is INVALUABLE for EFT practitioners WHO want more business.
- Ann Ross: She sounds so elegant with her beautiful British accent. At 56 years old, while looking for another job was told that she was too old. While studying to be a therapist she discovered EFT. One of the things she talks about is branding. She emphasizes how important it is to speak the language of the people you talk to.
- Rebecca Marina: She is a Texan live wire!!! Her story is fascinating. I am using one of the ways that she shares on how to be more intuitive. Intuition is vital for doing great EFT sessions.
If you are interested, you can go to this link. There is a half price sale going on right now. Check it out!!!
This is like going to a workshop, but you don't have to waste gas, pay for a hotel, and you can listen to it in your bath robe and bedroom slippers (if you wish).
Gratefully yours,