Why carry around negative emotions? It simply isn't necessary. All you need to do is to remember to Tap 'n Bitch. If you take the time to use this process, you will not only have more energy, you'll feel great!
Tap 'n Bitch is a powerful technique. Any time you find yourself spinning your wheels about a certain situation, event, issue or circumstance, there is something dramatic you can do that is both easy and fun. We all know that negative emotions stored in our body often turn into dis-ease. So why wait and let it turn into something nasty, when you can get it out now?
The first step is to decide on the issue. In other words, you need to be specific. The next step is to come up with a number between 1 and 10 that represents the intensity of your feelings about this issue, with 10 being the highest. You want to write the number down so you can refer to it later. The third step is to come up with your setup phrase (you can use this formula as a template):
Even though___________________________________ I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Example: Even though I am angry at Darla for using my toothbrush again, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Step four is to repeat the setup phrase three times while tapping on your karate chop point on the side of your hand.
Your reminder phrase sums up what your issue is and you say it while you're tapping on your points. Though not strictly necessary, it's extremely helpful to come up with a reminder phrase that is humorous or clever. Using the above example, I might use “yucky toothbrush”.
Step five – While saying your reminder phrase, tap on each body point approximately seven times. Check in with yourself after the first round, and do a second round if necessary. For me, step six, where you Tap 'n Bitch, is where I have the most fun. Start with your first point, and while tapping, bitch about your issue. Go ahead! Whine, complain, make pathetic excuses – really go for it! Continue for about 10 seconds or so on each point, then take a breath and go to the next point, bitching all the way. Add lots of colorful words and cussing to spice up your bitching. This really helps move the energy, and that is the idea with EFT. You want to get the negative energy out of your system.
After you've finished a round or two, check your intensity level and see how it compares with where you started. Repeat steps 4-6 until you get it all out. If you still feel a charge about this issue and you can't think of new things to say – repeat yourself. The goal is to get the intensity level as close to zero as possible.
Please do not try my Tap 'n Bitch technique while driving or operating heavy equipment. If you're shy or care what strangers think about you, consider not doing this in your local coffee shop.
Here is a link to the points I recommend using.