Monday, November 27, 2006

Dismantling Procrastination—3 Action Steps

My friend, Catherine Beham, wrote this article about breaking down procrastination. You might want to try it next time you find that you are spinning your wheels.

“I feel so lazy.”

“I lose so much time.”

“I feel so bad about myself.”

“I’m stuck.”

Procrastination eats away at our sense of Well Being more than any other self defeating habit.

By time many of us are ready to face procrastination and begin dealing with it, we are so buried with negative emotion and uncompleted projects we don’t know where to start.

There really is a way out of procrastination’s iron grip

Dealing with the negative thinking that goes with procrastination is a great way to turn this ship around. Dissolving frustration and anger we hold about our stacks of undone tasks creates momentum to create permanent change.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
is ideal for this purpose. It allows you to acknowledge the current state of affairs and to build a foundation for joyful productivity.

Once emotional intensity around the shame, guilt and frustration is weakened, creative problem solving springs to life. There really is a way out of procrastination’s iron grip.

What To Put In The Tool Box

Here are three action steps you can put into practice immediately. It is a wonderful feeling to sense movement and to have a plan. Be your own best friend here, gently encourage and praise yourself for every baby step you take.

Action Step #1


Become aware of how you feel when you look at the list of what has to be done. How quickly you identify your negative thought (frustration, guilt, shame, impatience, whatever is there) will give you a clue as to how soon you will notice progress.

You may notice that in the past, you felt lousy for the whole day thinking about that Grand Daddy of a project. A slight waste of your precious time and energy, don’t you think?

Now, when you notice your inner reaction, STOP. Say this:

“Even though I don’t know how I will ever get this done…I choose to believe my Inner Being will equip me.”

You have nothing to lose to try this technique, I can tell you…be prepared to be amazed.

Action Step #2

Own the Plan.

Rewrite your To Do List and rank the order of tasks by when you want them done. Put your most procrastinated item on the top of your list.

Good work. Now go to the third one down on the list. That’s right, the third one. Break that third task into bite sized chunks and attack the first step with gusto.

Why the third one down? It has far less emotional weight to it than your Grand Daddy project. You will be amazed how easy it is to accomplish a less emotionally loaded task.

Once you have begun work on this “easier” but still procrastinated task, the inspiration and encouragement you will gain will manifest itself in motivation.

As you attend to this lower priority task, you may have doubt or disbelief that this will work. I can almost hear you say….but this is not the task I need to focus on.

If this is you, say the following: “Even though I don’t see how working on this unrelated task has anything to do with the project that is critically neglected….I choose to allow ANY ACCOMPLISHMENT to inspire and motivate me.”

For extra oomph, say this while looking at yourself in the mirror.

Action Step #3

Whistle While You Work.

The Seven Dwarves had a great technique for achievement.


The more important the task is facing you, the more crucial it is to play music in the background. There are countless wonderful CDs available with inspiring music.

Itunes makes it possible to download your faverites right from your desk. Music changes the atmosphere. Music inspires. Music empowers.

It is widely known that the Baroque music style is particularly effective in creating an atmosphere of efficient mental processing.

For extra empowerment, add a couple of candles.

Now break down your Grand Daddy Task into bite sized pieces while listening to your choice of music. After the task has been broken down, find a mirror and say:

“Even though I am still feeling a bit overwhelmed by this task….I choose to see these steps as doable and I choose to feel hopeful and inspired.”

Getting Unstuck

For all you sharpies out there, you might have noticed that the three action steps are more than meet the eye. The first letters of each form the final tool.

N O W. The key to dismantling your procrastination lifestyle is to use one of these tools NOW. NOW is the moment of power. NOW is the moment of freedom.

Even if all you do is notice your negative thoughts and choose to transform them through the “Even though…” technique, that is plenty.

That action step alone will change your life.

I promise.

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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Specialist and Peak Performance Coach Catherine Behan is an author, teacher, coach and master motivator. Catherine empowers people in transition to remove the obstacles blocking success and to find the inspiration and personal strength that attracts abundance and prosperity into their lives. Catherine creates innovative teleclass programs, workshops and seminars that bring together the Law of Attraction and EFT. To learn more about her work and sign up for more FREE tips like these, visit her site at

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