Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tapping Back into Exercise

Yesterday a client asked me how to use EFT to help her start to exercise. "Ellen" works at home on her computer for long hours, sometimes 12-15 hours a day. Her resistance to doing exercise was a 10 out of 10.

Here are some of the set-up phrases we used, Even though:
.....I hate to exercise, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, and I forgive myself for not exercising very much these last couple of years
.....I am physically lazy…
.....I am not a physica athlete, but I am a mental athlete, and I wish that I could think about exercising… exercise has been to walk from the studio to the kitchen to the bedroom…
.....there are not quite enough hours in the day…
.....I have other things that I would rather do and need to do than exercise…
.....there needs to be another one of me to do all of the things that I need to do...

Her reminder phrase was Resistance to Exercise.

Doing four rounds of tapping brought the intensity of her resistance to exercise down to a 5.

She told me that she would rather exercise than tap. So, you can probably guess what her next set-up phrase was, Even though I'd rather exercise than tap…; and Even though a part of me doesn't feel like exercising...

When I sensed that the intensity had lessened I had her affirm the positive:
.....Exercising makes me feel wonderful
.....I love the endorphins that come about when I exercise
.....I love moving my body
.....I love the way that exercise clears my mind
.....exercising makes me feel more energetic
.....I feel calm and centered
.....I have more than enough time to exercise

This brought her resistance to exercising down to a 1-1.5. As she shared with me that she felt like getting up and exercising right then instead of waiting until the next morning like we had talked about, I suggested that she do just that.

During our latest session she shared that she had gone for a walk right away, and that she had followed my advice about taking it easy. Ellen reported that she'd had a wonderful walk. She fell asleep at 10—which was unusual, and then went for another walk this morning.

Ellen wanted to know if she needed to continue to tap about exercising. My suggestion was if she didn't feel like exercising, tap. If there was no resistance—then she wouldn't need to tap, but just to get out and walk.

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