This is in response to a mother of a 14 day old colicky baby. http://tiny.cc/BJojF
Great article.
Babies are really sensitive beings. they pick up on everyone's vibrations around them.
If moms have tried the football hold; tried burping; and the other suggestions. You may want to try Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).
I would start by tapping on how I am feeling about my baby crying. You want to get to your deepest feelings--and the negative things you say in your head.
You figure out the intensity of your own feelings and rate it with 10 being the highest.
Then you create a set-up phrase, for example,
....."Even though I have done everything I can think of, and my baby is still crying. I deeply and completely love and accept myself".
You tap the Karate chop point on the side of your hand while saying this or variations of it 3 times. You want to get down to your deepest feelings about this. It could be something like:
....."Even though I am not sure what to do about my baby crying his head off, and it is driving me crazy, and I deeply and completely love and accept myself."
.....Or "Even though I don't know if I can take any more crying, and I am at my wits end, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."
Then you tap on the points of the body--about 7 taps on each point saying your reminder phrase which could be "driving me crazy" or "crying baby". If you can come up with something that makes you laugh, that can move the energy within you.
You can also do surrogate tapping for your baby. While tapping on the Karate Point on the side of the hand say, "Even though I am ______(say the name of the child)".
Then you pretend/act as though you are the child. Then you use your imagination/intuition to guess what is up with your child.
While tapping on your Karate Chop point you could say,
....."Even though I am colicky and I have been crying for hours, I am an awesome baby, and my mommy loves me".
....."Even though I may have an air bubble or something else may be going on, I am an awesome baby."
....."Even though I am crying, and I can't tell my mom what is going on with words, I am an awesome baby."
.....Note: if you have a sense of what the problem is change the words.
Then you tap on the points on your body saying a reminder phrase like: "tummy ache" or "colicky pain" or "tired and wired".
Here is a chart of the points that I use to tap on.
Hope this helps,
JoAnn SkyWatcher
Follow me at: http://twitter.com/MiraclesGalore
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