As you may know, I am a co-moderator on the EFT Forum. Back a couple of months ago, a 57 year old man posted a request for help on passing a class. Biology was his last class to get his business degree. He had no interest in the class itself and he was having a hard time connecting with the style of his teacher. He wanted to be able to relax and get the best of a class that he had put off until the end. He also wanted to be able to learn and pass the test--even though he was an older guy.
Well, I recently found out that he successfully tapped away his fears/anxiety and he got a "B" on the test! Not only that, but he was able to use EFT to help with his carpel tunnel that he was experiencing from his desk and computer use.
If you are interested in the set-up phrases that I posted for him to use click here and scroll down to the second post.
EFT can work for many things. I don't see much evidence of people using EFT for clearing blocks for performance. EFT can work beautifully for test taking, as seen in this example. It is just a matter of remembering to use EFT for this application.
EFT can be used for performance in:
* test taking
* athletics
* sales performance
* writer's block
* artist's block
* giving birth
* range of motion in joints
Next time you think about wanting to do something better, think of clearing your blocks with EFT. If you have a block that you haven't been able to clear, you may want to contact me for a session.
Gratefully yours,
JoAnn SkyWatcher
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